Kanalisert den 4 mai 2022
«Northern hemisphere is about to begin live for the future. Prevail (seire) your journey, for some will begin to live they life they enjoyed for them self. Make up your journey in time to release the pain inside of you so the life will become easier. Say to the people around you, they will make time for the self. Enjoy the ride, my friend on earth. Sacrifize is not an option in this time on earth. Selfaware the ride thru life. Second guess your true self. So, my friends enjoy the ride Beloved ones. Thank you, beautiful soul beings on Earth”.
Kanalisert den 4 mai 2022
«So will we begin to arrive on Earth now. And we will start to see all the Starseeds on Earth. Because we wont leave you hear forever. Your true self is about to live again. “We need you all in this time on Earth, so we can become the Human Race, to evolve in time to rise the vibration on Mother Earth. Make your time thru this journey. Selfawareness is needed this time on Earth. Selfliving will become needed in time of turmoil on Earth. My Loved ones, don’t sacrifze yourself. Prepare yourself for the new world on Earth. We will live in peace with another. Many people forsake their journey but they will evolve thry this, believe…..Fight for your humanity, because in your space and time you will evolve..
Pleiadians on Earth has now arrived thru the Galactic Federation. Vibrations on Earth will shake up your life, and the true purpose for your life will spring thru time and space.
Timelines will be thrown, and new ones will evolve on Earth. Thru the wellness on Earth we will become the true Heroes of our own life. My beautiful souls, spring and spread your wings on Mother Earth. The Pleiadian spaceline is growing thru earth livings. Thru time and space we will grow. Stay in tune with yourself”. <3
Det er ikke bare Pleiadene som er med og løfter oss opp i denne tiden. Det er også mange andre lysvesener som er med fra andre galakser, Som Arcturians. Kanaliseringene kommer fra Pleiadians, Arcturians og Sirians.
Under kanaliseringene kommer det plutselig inn flash av en ku, og på magen til kua ser jeg et slags symbol.
Som kraftdyr symboliserer kua Moder Jord og hun symboliserer fruktbarhet og moderlighet. Glede personlig og kollektivt, Styrker også medfølelse og tålmodighet.
Kanalisert den 3 juni 2022
Jeg deler i kjærlighet til dere alle vakre sjeler der ute <3
Awakening proscess in time,
to evolve on Mother Earth.
So, we see you all over
Will explore and discover
The new Earth.
So, we see your time will evolve.
Back in time to see Mother Earth,
become the real soul in the Galaxies.
Individual Beings will discover themselves,
but not all of them.
In the center of the Universe we live,
To guide you all in to the new Earth.
Don’t sacrifize your journey,
Because you all will evolve.
To live on Earth is not an easy state of mind.
But you will see in the end, that we were right.
To be a human is not an easy thing, because of the consequenses other has done to you all.
Recon your journey so you become the true self of your mind.
Blue rays on Mother earth, live amongst you, so see into your true self, is there a light inside of you.
Another planetary involvement will arrive in time to see you all, in this time on Earth.
Thank you Beautiful Soul Beings on Earth, we will see you again.
A beam of light in heaven,
is upon you tonight.
Light beings is with you,
on this journey thru heaven.
Light your candle with love,
in your heart.
Light beings on Earth,
oncoming happenings will occure.
But none will recognize the shift.
It will occure in time for you to see,
the light beings from heaven.
Kanalisert budskap 29 juli 2022
"Light beings from Earth, they will survive the Great Shift. They will be transformed in to a new Era on Earth. In to a new dimension they will shift in to a new energy in time and space. Say to them, they will be fine. In time you will become the new energy on Earth. So many will tie them to the old fraction, but others will go into hte new shift on Earth. Beloved ones, you will be fine. Thank you beautiful soul beings. Channeled messages thru the Gate of Heaven. New Portals will arrive in near future" <3
"A revolution is coming on Earth. Back in time they saved the Human life on Earth, now they will be saved again. Now they want to ignore the symptoms, but we won’t. In time we will come in and do what we need to do. Sending good thoughts to the Earthlings. Again we need to sacrifize a lot to manage this operation. The Pleiadians are around you all, in this time on Earth. We won’t sacrifize you, we need you all to help us on this bonanza revolution.(Bonanza er jo en TV- serie, men det betyr også en plutselig økning i velstand og lykke). Human beings is so important for us, do not sacrifize this prosject on Earth.We need to live in peace with all human beings on Earth. Whispering soul from future living, on Earth we are sending huge thoughts".
"Thank you Beautiful soul beings”.
"Light Beings from the heaven, know your lights. In your time we will see you all. In second time we seek the truth on Earth. In the light we work with you, my friends. Seek the truth in your soul. Because of the nature on earth we will arrive in the golden years, in the year of 2040. In the beside we will find the true sacrament of life. In the between life, we live to free you all from the burden in life. Stay true to your heart".